EnGine V6 – activating your EnGine licence

To activate your EnGine licence please do the following:

Download EnGine from https://www.imagecomputersystems.com/downloads/integration/engine if you have not already done so

By default, EnGine will be installed in the “C:\Program Files (X86)\Image Computer Systems\EnGine” folder.

Open Command Prompt and navigate to “”C:\Program Files (X86)\Image Computer Systems\EnGine”

Enter “EnGine /?” and you will be presented with EnGine dialog box:

Click on “Activate” to proceed.

Tick the radial to confirm you have purchased product and have your licence ID and password. These will have been emailed to you or you will find them on your invoice.

You will now be asked to enter licence details.

Enter your details and click on “Next”

Your EnGine licence has now been activated.